Lineup for July 9, 2023 10AM Service

Thank You, Lord

Don Moen  

Key: F


F C Bb C (2X)

Verse 1:

F C I come before You today Gm Dm7 And there's just one thing that I want to say Bb C Thank You, Lord Bb C Thank You, Lord F C For all You've given to me Gm Dm7 For all the blessings that I cannot see Bb C Thank You, Lord Bb C Thank You, Lord


F C With a grateful heart, with a song of praise Dm7 Bb With an outstretched arm, I will bless Your name


F C Thank You, Lord Bb C I just want to thank You, Lord F C Thank You, Lord Bb C I just want to thank You, Lord F C Bb C Thank You, Lord

Verse 2:

F C For all You've done in my life Gm Dm7 You took my darkness and gave me Your light Bb C Thank You, Lord Bb C Thank You, Lord F C You took my sin and my shame Gm Dm7 You took my sickness and healed all my pain Bb C Thank You, Lord Bb C Thank You, Lord



Pre-Chorus 2:

F C With a grateful heart, with a song of praise Dm7 Bb C - D With an outstretched arm, I will bless Your name

Chorus (G):

G D Thank You, Lord C D I just want to thank You, Lord G D Thank You, Lord C D I just want to thank You, Lord C Thank You, Lord G Thank You, Lord

Times of Refreshing

Bob Baker  

Key: F


F Bb F C Bb - Bb/A - Bb/G


F Bb Well, I thank You Lord, that You are my Saviour F C You're my strength and You're the rock on which I stand F Bb You give me life and a grace that's greater F C Bb - Bb/A - Bb/G When I humble myself beneath Your mighty hand


F F/A You bring times of refreshing Bb Bb/D You bring times of refreshing F F/A C C/E - C/D - C You bring times of refreshing to my soul F F/A When I'm weary from the fight Bb Bb/D And trying to do what's right F C Bb - Bb/A - Bb/G You bring times of refreshing to my soul Turnaround: Dm Bb

Verse 2:

F Bb For the day will come when we'll all be gathered F C And the sun will rise with healing in its wings F Bb And all those years of pain won't seem to matter F C Bb - Bb/A - Bb/G When our eyes behold our Teacher and our King

No Higher Calling

Jonathan Butler  

Key: G


(D7) G Bm C Down at Your feet O Lord D G Is the Most high place Bm C In Your presence Lord Cm G D# F G I seek Your face, I seek Your face


(G7) C D/C There is no higher calling Bm Em C No greater honor than to bow D G - G7 And kneel before Your throne C D I'm amazed at Your glory B/D# Em Embraced by Your mercy C D G O Lord, I live to worship You

Be Exalted, O God

Jeff Hamlin  

Key: G


G C/G G I will give thanks to Thee Gmaj7 C/G G Bm/F# O Lord, among the people Em D C G Dsus - C/D I will sing praises to Thee among the nations G /C G For Thy steadfast love is great Gmaj7 C/G G Bm/F# It is great to the heavens Em A D D/C D/B And Thy faithfulness, Thy faithfulness to the clouds

Chorus 1:

C/D D G C/G G E7sus A7 Am7 D Be exalted, O God above the hea----vens Am7 G/A D C/D - D G Gsus G Let Thy glory be over all the earth C/D D G C/G G E7sus A7 Am7 D Be exalted, O God above the hea----vens Am7 G/A D C/D - D G Gsus G Let Thy glory be over all the earth

Chorus 2:

C/D D G C/G G E7sus A7 Am7 D Be exalted, O God above the hea----vens Am7 G/A D C/D - D G Gsus G Let Thy glory be over all the earth C/D D G C/G G E7sus A7 Am7 D Be exalted, O God above the hea----vens Am7 Cmaj7 D D/C Bm B/D# Em Em/D Let Thy Glo------ry, Let Thy Glo------ry Am7 Cmaj7 D C/D G Let Thy glory be over all the earth

In Christ Alone

Adrienne Liesching  

Key: D

Verse 1:

D Bm A In Christ alone my hope is found D/F# G A D He is my light, my strength, my song D Bm A This Cornerstone, this solid Ground D/F# G A D Firm through the fiercest drought and storm D/F# G Bm A What heights of love, what depths of peace D/F# G Bm A When fears are stilled, when strivings cease D Bm A My Comforter, my All in All D/F# G A D Here in the love of Christ I stand

Verse 2:

D Bm A There in the ground His body lay D/F# G A D Light of the world by darkness slain D Bm A Then bursting forth in glorious day D/F# G A D Up from the grave He rose again D/F# G Bm A And as He stands in victory D/F# G Bm A Sin's curse has lost its grip on me D Bm A For I am His and He is mine D/F# G A D Bought with the precious blood of Christ

Verse 3:

D Bm A No guilt in life, no fear in death D/F# G A D This is the power of Christ in me D Bm A From life's first cry to final breath D/F# G A D Jesus commands my destiny D/F# G Bm A No power of hell, no scheme of man D/F# G Bm A Can ever pluck me from His hand D Bm A Till He returns or calls me home D/F# G A D Here in the power of Christ I'll stand