Lineup for January 21, 2024


Don Moen  

Key: E


E B/E E A/E Arise, arise, arise, arise E B C#m7 A Arise, take Your place, be enthroned on our praise E B/E E B/E


E B D6 A One thing we ask of You, one thing that we desire E B D6 A That as we worship You, Lord, come and change our lives


E B/E E A/E Arise, arise, arise, arise


E B C#m7 A Arise, take Your place, be enthroned on our praise E B C#m7 A Arise, King of kings, Holy God, as we sing E B - /C# - /D# C#m7 A Arise, arise E B - /C# - /D# C#m7 A Arise, arise


E D/F# - A We lift You up, we lift You up, we lift You up on our praises


F C Dm7 Bb Arise, take Your place, be enthroned on our praise F C Dm7 Bb Arise, King of kings, Holy God, as we sing F C - /D - /E Dm7 Bb Arise, arise F C - /D - /E Dm7 Bb Arise, arise


F Ab Bb C Arise, arise Db Eb F Arise, arise

Lineup Notes:

mag start sa
"Öne thing we ask of you"
pamedley sa
Sing for Joy

Sing for Joy

Don Moen  

Key: E


E A E B (x2)

Verse 1:

E A If we call to Him, He will answer us E B If we run to Him, He will run to us E A If we lift our hands, He will lift us up E B E-A E-A Come now praise His name all ye saints of God


E A O sing for joy E B To God our strength E A O sing for joy E B E-A E-A To God our strength, our strength

Verse 2:

E A Draw near to Him, He is here with us E B Give Him your love, He's in love with us E A He will heal our hearts, He will cleanse our hands E B E-A E-A If we rend our hearts, He will heal our land

Verse 1 (G):

G C If we call to Him, He will answer us G D If we run to Him, He will run to us G C If we lift our hands, He will lift us up G D G-C G-C Come now praise His name all ye saints of God

Verse 2 (G):

G C Draw near to Him, He is here with us G D Give Him your love, He's in love with us G C He will heal our hearts, He will cleanse our hands G D G-C G-C If we rend our hearts, He will heal our land

Chorus (G):

G C O sing for joy G D To God our strength G C O sing for joy G D G-C G-C To God our strength, our strength

Beautiful Saviour


Key: G


G D/F# Em7 D C2 G/B Am7


G D/F# Em7 Jesus, beautiful Saviour D C G/B Am7 God of all majesty, Risen King G D/F# Em7 Lamb of God, Holy and Righteous D C G/B Am7 Blessed Redeemer, bright Morning Star


D G/B C All the Heavens shout Your praise D G/B C Em D All creation bows to worship You


G D/F# Em7 How wonderful, how beautiful D C G/B Am7 C/E D/F# Name above every name, exalted high G D/F# Em7 How wonderful, how beautiful D C Am C Em D Jesus Your Name, Name above every name Gsus G Gsus G Jesus


G Em7 I will sing forever C Am7 D Jesus I love You, Jesus I love You


Gsus G Gsus G Jesus, beautiful Saviour Gsus G Gsus G ( C - D - C/E - D/F# ) Jesus, beautiful Saviour

Jesus Messiah

Chris Tomlin  

Key: G


G/B Am7 G/B Am7

Verse 1:

G Am7 He became sin, Who knew no sin G/B C2 That we might become His Righteousness G Am7 He humbled Himself and carried the cross G/D C2 Love so amazing G/D C2 Love so amazing


G Jesus Messiah C2 Name above all names G Blessed Redeemer Dsus Emmanuel G The rescue for sinners C2 The ransom from Heaven G/B Dsus Jesus Messiah G Lord of all

Verse 2:

G Am7 His body the bread, His blood the wine G/B C2 Broken and poured out all for love G Am7 The whole earth trembled, and the veil was torn G/D C2 Love so amazing G/D C2 Love so amazing


Am7 G/B All our hope is in You C2 Dsus All our hope is in You Am7 G/B All the glory to You, God C2 Dsus The light of the world


G/E G/B Dsus Jesus Messiah C2 Lord of all C2 The Lord of all C2 G The Lord of all

