Lineup for March 9, 2025

Mighty Is Our God

Don Moen  


G G/B C C/D D Mighty is our God G G/B C C/D D Mighty is our King G G/B C Bm Mighty is our Lord Am Dsus D G Ruler of everything
G G/B C C/D D Glory to our God G G/B C C/D D Glory to our King G G/B C Bm Glory to our Lord Am D G Ruler of everything


F His name is higher C/E G Higher than any other name F His pow'r is greater C/E D For He has created everything

For the Lord He is Great

Key: A


A - A/C# D - D/E


A - A/C# D For the Lord, He is great A - A/C# D - D/E He is worthy to be praised A - A/C# - D B/Eb D/E - E And His name is exalted above the earth/heavens


C#7sus - F#m Bm/F We exalt Your Name A/E Dm We exalt Your Name Lord Jesus A - E/G# - F#m Bm - E Crowned with pow'r and majesty D E/D Lift up Your Name C#/F F#m Lift up Your Name Lord Jesus Bm - C#m - D D/E - A With a song in unity


We exalt Your Name We exalt Your Name, Lord Jesus Crowned with pow'r and majesty We lift up Your Name Lift up Your Name, Lord Jesus With a song in unity

I Will Magnify

Hosanna! Music  

Key: A


A E/G# D/F# Esus E I will magnify Your name, O Lord A E/G# D/F# E A I will exalt You forevermore


C#m7 D E/D For You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords D/A A D/E A A/C# A And You reign in majesty D E/D Omnipotent Father Bm7-A/C# Bm/D Bm7 Esus E Creator of all things Bm7-A/C# Bm/D D/E Asus A Creator of all things

We Will Praise You

Robert Gay  

Key: G


G G/B - C G/B We will praise You, God of all creation Am Bm - G F D Ruler of the universe, Lord of the earth G G/B - C G/B We will praise You, Mighty God in heaven Em D Dsus D /E D You alone are King, You alone are God D Am D Gsus - G (D) You alone are worthy of our praise.


Em D/F# G You spoke the word and all The worlds were made Em D/F# G Throughout the universe, Your power You displayed G/B - C D/C And through the endless ages Bm Em Your glory will be known Am Bm - G F D For You are King Eternal, You are enthroned

In Christ Alone

Adrienne Liesching  

Key: D

Verse 1:

D Bm A In Christ alone my hope is found D/F# G A D He is my light, my strength, my song D Bm A This Cornerstone, this solid Ground D/F# G A D Firm through the fiercest drought and storm D/F# G Bm A What heights of love, what depths of peace D/F# G Bm A When fears are stilled, when strivings cease D Bm A My Comforter, my All in All D/F# G A D Here in the love of Christ I stand

Verse 2:

D Bm A There in the ground His body lay D/F# G A D Light of the world by darkness slain D Bm A Then bursting forth in glorious day D/F# G A D Up from the grave He rose again D/F# G Bm A And as He stands in victory D/F# G Bm A Sin's curse has lost its grip on me D Bm A For I am His and He is mine D/F# G A D Bought with the precious blood of Christ

Verse 3:

D Bm A No guilt in life, no fear in death D/F# G A D This is the power of Christ in me D Bm A From life's first cry to final breath D/F# G A D Jesus commands my destiny D/F# G Bm A No power of hell, no scheme of man D/F# G Bm A Can ever pluck me from His hand D Bm A Till He returns or calls me home D/F# G A D Here in the power of Christ I'll stand